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  • Writer's pictureA.L. Willrich

Sensitive Eyes

Updated: Dec 27, 2021

Do you have sensitive eyes? Psalms 101:3 says, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes." It has become increasingly more difficult to watch anything on television, in cinema, on the internet, and in videos that is not overtly violent, sensual, immoral, perverted, and evil.

There was a time when what I saw on television didn't really bother me. Although I had a few favorite shows, television wasn't a huge part of my day. While I prefer reading, I recently added a limited amount of television back into my life. As a born again believer, my eyes have been reclaimed by the Holy Spirit, and I can no longer watch what I used to watch. Netflix and Amazon Prime host a variety of movies and shows that appeal to a world culture that is not spiritually sensitive to the Holy Ghost. A demonic agenda is on the rise to influence your beliefs, choices, and acceptance of that which the Bible calls lasciviousness.

What I have seen is far below the standard of what is decent, honorable, and pure. I have become disgusted even by commercials that are blatantly promoting lifestyles which go against the Bible and God. The excessive obscenity and profanity assaults my ears. Even shows geared toward children and youth have become tools for the wicked to exploit to advance demonic programming.

"Can the One who shaped the ear not hear; the One who formed the eye not see? (Psalms 94:9) Imagine the Spirit of the Living God looking through your eyes at your viewing habits or what you are producing for others to see. Even the no frills, no cable version has become too much to handle for these discriminating eyes. The Bible admonishes us as we put on the "new self" to put to death those things which belong to our earthly nature. "Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry." (Colossians 3:5)

As disciples of Christ, we must guard our eyes and heart from viewing and being entertained by things that are vile and displeasing to God. And yes, it takes courage to take a stand against these things. For these discerning eyes, it has become too much. Shut it down, says the Holy Spirit. And with a click, I'm right back to where He wants me - in His word.

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