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  • Writer's pictureA.L. Willrich

Remember and Move Forward

It's the last day of 2021. Some would admonish you not to look back, but the entire Bible is a historical record that allows us to look back, remember, and learn.

Why do we collect photographs or take pictures? They are all reminders of our experiences, adventures, and people that we've encountered along the way. Being reflective is a good skill. It allows us to learn from our past, our mistakes and celebrate the successes that we made during the year.

God is all about us remembering. The word "remember" occurs quite frequently in the scriptures. Aren't you glad God remembers His covenant with us? People are called to remember how God deals with them, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws. Even the Lord's Supper is a time of remembrance, "This do in remembrance of me." The apostles, prophets, and disciples encouraged us to remember all the things that they taught and told us regarding Jesus. Looking back helps us to be faithful. It helps us to endure. It reminds us of the goodness of the LORD.

At the beginning of the Book of Revelation, Jesus had a special message to the seven Churches. In Revelation 2:5 he tells the Church in Ephesus, "Remember therefore from which you have fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I am coming to you swiftly, and will move your lamp stand out of its place, unless you repent." To the Church in Sardis he says, "Go back (remember) to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and come to me again. If you don't wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief." (Revelation 3:3)

When looking back and remembering, what God doesn't want us to do is get stuck there. He doesn't want us to wallow in shame, guilt, or sorrow. He wants us to come back to Him. He wants us to to grow from our past and move forward toward His promises and the great things He has in store for us. He wants to remind us of His great love and mercy towards us. He wants us to remember His faithfulness. He wants us to share these things with our children and future generations so that they may have the same kind of HOPE in Jesus as we do.

It's okay. Take a moment to look back over 2021. Wasn't God so good to keep you? Hasn't He been such a wonderful provider? Didn't He protect you from dangers seen and unseen? Thank You LORD. Thank You so, so much! I could not have made it without YOU. I am looking forward in great expectation to what You have for your people in 2022. I am looking forward to a great harvest of souls, healings, deliverance, and miracles. That's the hope of a disciple.

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