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  • Writer's pictureA.L. Willrich

One Step At a Time

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Sometimes disciples of Jesus have seasons of just walking. No leaping, no jumping, no running the race....just walking. We will soon approach the two year mark of our country being shut down by Covid. During that time, we've walked through quite some challenging situations. We've walked through many changes that have affected our families and careers. One step at a time, we've learned to navigate what some call the "new normal." Who would have thought we would still be wearing masks at this point? Who could have anticipated that we would be discussing boosters, supply chain problems, or a mass exodus of laborers from the workforce.

Thinking about this walking season, I am reminded of a mighty walker in the Bible - his name was Abram. Abram was told to "leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you." (Genesis 12:1). So began his journey of walking. Well, I am pretty sure he rode a camel or donkey most of the time. Yet, he traveled quite a distance in his walk with the LORD. Abram was the quintessential example of what it means to "walk by faith." I can only imagine the rough terrain he traveled across. Along the way he passed by and through magnificent cities as well as barren wastelands. He didn't have the luxury of super highways, speedy vehicles, or fast jets as he traveled with all of his household and servants. His was a tedious journey toward a promise that seemed almost impossible. In addition to the bandits and robbers, he probably encountered some snakes and wild beasts along the way, too.

The book of Yashar tells us that God was with Abram even at a young age. Long before he left Ur, he questioned the legitimacy of his father's idols. Abram was a consistent walker because he had a phenomenal promise from God. "I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families of the earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:2-3). We all know about Abram's bad decisions along the way; his detours and deceptions. Yet God was unwavering in His love getting him out of some tight spots and continuing to give him revelation throughout his lifetime. "Now lift up your eyes from the place where you are, and look to the north and south and east and west, for all the land that you see, I will give to you and your descendants as a permanent possession." (Genesis 13:14-15). While he was a wealthy man before he left Haran, he gathered much more with his continued allegiance to God. But unlike most today, Abram didn't get caught up in the money. He kept his focus on the main thing. When he was ninety-nine years old, Abram's steadfast walking was honored by a name change - he became Abraham the "father of many nations." More importantly, he was called a friend of God.

Our walk with God may not be quite as dramatic as Abraham's in the context of history, however, every step we take with God is just as significant in our own time. We most certainly have our own giants to face, our own storms to endure, and genuine obstacles to overcome. Yet, if we simply persist we'll make it. We won't faint. We won't quit. We'll learn endurance just by walking every day. There will be times again for leaping, jumping, and running. But for now, it's okay to just walk - one step at a time. That is the life of a disciple of Christ.

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